01 Тип Сертификата
02 CSR
03 Контакты
04 Конфигурации Продукта
05 Оплата

Шаг 1: Выберите ваш сертификат

Comodo Positive SSL Certificate
Comodo Essential SSL Certificate
Comodo Essential SSL Wildcard Certificate
Comodo Domain Validated UCC SSL
Comodo EV SSL Certificate
Comodo EV Multi-Domain SSL Certificate
Comodo Instant SSL Certificate
Comodo Instant SSL Pro Certificate
Comodo Instant SSL Premium Certificate
Comodo Premium SSL Wildcard Certificate
Comodo Multi-Domain SSL Certificate
Comodo Unified Communications Certificate
Comodo Code Signing Certificate
Comodo SGC SSL Certificate
Comodo SGC SSL Wildcard
Comodo EV SGC SSL Certificate
Comodo SSL Certificate
Comodo Wildcard SSL Certificate
Comodo HackerGuardian PCI Scan Control Center
Comodo HackerProof Trust Mark including Daily Vulnerability Scan
Comodo Intranet SSL

Comodo SSL


Issued within 10 minutes, an Positive SSL Certificate provides a quick cost effective solution to secure your customer transactions. More importantly, your customers are assured that it is safe to do business with you because sensitive information is encrypted and remains private.

Highest Levels of Security
Comodo Positive SSL certificates support 128 bit encryption levels and are signed with 2048 bit signatures - in compliance with US Government's National Institute for Standards and Technology's post recommendations for SSL root key strength.

Your browser compatibility is a key element when choosing an SSL provider. Positive SSL is inherently trusted by 99.3% of the current Internet population.

Industry Leading Expert Support
Comodo, the company behind every Certificate we sell, has a well earned reputation for industry leading customer care and technical support. As a valued customer, you can expect prompt support for any issues you may face or questions you may have during any stage of applying for, installing or using your SSL Certificate.

Why Positive SSL Certificates
Positive SSL certificates from Comodo are highly trusted ssl certificates providing the industry standard encryption at an entry-level cost. It's a paperless validation system, only validating the ownership of the domain.

These certificates come with a golden padlock and 99.3% browser trust, and are ideal for non-ecommerce sites that require encryption. With Positive SSL certificates, in minutes you can have a high level of security with the golden padlock that your customers will look for to verify that your site is secure.


Features & Benefits

  • Domain validated, 2048 bit Industry Standard SSL Certificate
  • Immediate "No Hassle" SSL certificate issuance 24/7
  • Unlimited server licenses
  • Automated validation - no paperwork
  • FREE site seal
  • Risk free 30 day refund policy
  • Unlimited Re-issuance Policy
  • Trusted by all popular browsers with 99.3% Ubiquity
  • $10,000 Relying Party Warranty

Product Specification

  • Single Domain Name (FQDN) domain.com and www.domain.com
  • Issued In Immediate
  • Domain Validation
  • 256 bit Encryption
  • 99.3% Browser Compatibile
  • Free Unlimited Server Licenses
  • Includes COMODO Static Site Seal
  • Warranty $10,000
  • Unlimited Reissuance

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